Thanksgiving Pattern Worksheets for Preschool and Kindergarten
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Thanksgiving Pattern Worksheets for Preschool and Kindergarten

Learning exclusively at home has been our reality for the past 8 months, so I’ve really doubled down on creating materials for my preschooler. These Thanksgiving pattern worksheets for preschool and kindergarten students came largely out of the need to entertain my preschool son (and teach him something!) while my older kids were Zooming with…

How to Cook Thanksgiving Dinner with Kids Underfoot (Without Losing Your Mind!) – My Printable Menu & Schedule
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How to Cook Thanksgiving Dinner with Kids Underfoot (Without Losing Your Mind!) – My Printable Menu & Schedule

How to Cook Thanksgiving Dinner with Kids Around I cook a Thanksgiving dinner with kids underfoot every year– I just happen to serve it in December instead of November. We always do Thanksgiving with extended family, so I get out of cooking much then (woohoo!). However, my husband is used to a complete Thanksgiving dinner…

The (In)Gratitude Challenge
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The (In)Gratitude Challenge

It’s the time of year when people who spend a solid ten months acting like Scrooge are all of a sudden brimming with gratitude for any and everything (“I just love my new boots! Hashtag thankful!”). Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself a very grateful person, and I appreciate Thanksgiving as much as the…