3 Signs You’re a Mom Who’s Feeling Touched Out & Completely Burnt Out

3 Signs You’re a Mom Who’s Feeling Touched Out & Completely Burnt Out

Self-care is a super popular buzzword. You can’t mindlessly scroll through Facebook or Pinterest without seeing it pop up again and again. I’m not knocking self-care — I think it’s great. On the other hand, what I am suggesting is that you take a self-assessment, an inventory of sorts, instead. How are you doing? Are you in…

32 Hilariously Funny Pregnancy Quotes Every Mom Will Appreciate
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32 Hilariously Funny Pregnancy Quotes Every Mom Will Appreciate

You Need & Deserve These Funny Pregnancy Quotes! Pregnancy can be a beautiful time, but it can also be a time when you need a good laugh more than ever (and also maybe a strong cocktail, but those are off-limits). Enjoy these funny pregnancy quotes because if you’re incubating a human (or you’ve done so…

What is my Toddler Saying? A Hilarious Toddler Translation Guide

What is my Toddler Saying? A Hilarious Toddler Translation Guide

Understanding toddlers at all — let alone toddler speech — is a true challenge. Most parents have mastered their own toddler’s speech (within reason), but if a grandparent, friend, or neighbor wants to understand what a toddler is saying… Good luck! To help with this herculean task, I’ve developed a Toddler Translation Guide. Like every…

March is the Absolute Worst Month of the Year
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March is the Absolute Worst Month of the Year

At this craptastic time of year (winter, that is), you’ve likely seen many articles claiming that January or February is the worst month of the year.  I’m sorry. Those writers were either mistaken or flat-out liars. March is the actual worst. Here’s why: January is no picnic, I grant you. Everyone knows it’s basically a cold,…

To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today
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To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today

Do you remember the “Real American Heroes” commercial series by Budweiser in the late 1990s? It had an awful-but-catchy jingle and was a ridiculous serenade to the Average Joe for just doing what they do. Well, this is my version of that, but it’s not to Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy or Mr. Bowling Shoe…

How to Decide If You’re Done Having Babies: The Pinterest Vasectomy Board!
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How to Decide If You’re Done Having Babies: The Pinterest Vasectomy Board!

What is the “right” size for your family? This question has plagued just about every couple I know at some point. If you’re lucky, you and your spouse will be on the same page about this. And if you’re not? Well, this is likely to  prompt conversation after conversation, centered around the question: Are we…

5 New Year’s Resolutions I WISH My Kids Would Make
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5 New Year’s Resolutions I WISH My Kids Would Make

The start of a brand new year is a time when people all around the world vow to make big changes in their lives. “I will lose 10 pounds” or “I will finally shed these bad habits” are all common sentiments right now. Even my children have New Year’s resolutions! Actually, I guess it would…

To The Mom With A Holiday Hangover…
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To The Mom With A Holiday Hangover…

Dear Mom With A Holiday Hangover, The holidays with kids are magical. ^ ^ ^Statements like this are trite because they’re 100% true. Nothing beats the happiness and excitement of your kids on Christmas morning. It’s one of the true joys of parenthood. You store up those memories and savor them forever. All that magic…

How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work
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How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work

Do you know how to greet your spouse when he or she gets home from work? I’ve read a lot of things lately that suggest various ways that women, stay-at-home moms in particular, can be at their best when their spouses get home from work. There are some stay-at-home dads out there, but these articles…

Surviving The Witching Hour: It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere, Unfortunately…
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Surviving The Witching Hour: It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere, Unfortunately…

Surviving the witching hour with babies, toddlers, & beyond is no laughing matter Back in your pre-child days, if you’re anything like me, you tossed around the phrase “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” with both joy and longing. You couldn’t wait for 5 o’clock. In fact, when you literally couldn’t wait, you would hold happy hour…