25 Inspirational Pregnancy Quotes That Beautifully Express A Mother’s Experience
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25 Inspirational Pregnancy Quotes That Beautifully Express A Mother’s Experience

I have a pretty snarky sense of humor, so when I assembled a list of funny pregnancy quotes, it was right up my alley. I was surprised to find just how popular that post was, so now it only seems fair to tap into the other side of pregnancy — with a list of beautiful,…

To My Last Baby – A Letter In The Final Weeks Before We Meet
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To My Last Baby – A Letter In The Final Weeks Before We Meet

To My Last Baby, We’re in the final weeks before we’ll finally meet face-to-face. For most of this rough pregnancy, it seemed like this point would never get here, yet here it is. These last weeks look a lot different than they did with your older siblings. With them, there was still a great deal…

As the end of my last pregnancy approaches, I don’t feel sad. I feel relieved.

As the end of my last pregnancy approaches, I don’t feel sad. I feel relieved.

I’ve seen so many articles lately about the sadness that surrounds your last pregnancy, the last opportunity to grow life. With each one I come across, I think “I can see how she feels that way, but nope. Not me.” I’m grateful to the point of tears that we’ve been able to grow our family…

Freezing Meals Before Baby: 9 Perfect Freezer Meals to Have on Hand After Baby’s Arrival
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Freezing Meals Before Baby: 9 Perfect Freezer Meals to Have on Hand After Baby’s Arrival

Whether you’re a first-time mom or a been-there-done-that mom, freezing meals before baby arrives is always a good idea! If you’re lucky, when you have a new baby, family and friends will bring you some meals to get you through those crazy first weeks. Still, you don’t think about how often you eat until preparing…

What To Do When Your Water Breaks? Not This! Tips from a Mom Who Did It All Hilariously Wrong.

What To Do When Your Water Breaks? Not This! Tips from a Mom Who Did It All Hilariously Wrong.

What NOT to do when your water breaks First-time parents are a special breed–a unique cocktail of excitement, naiveté, and terror all rolled into one. One thing first-time parents wonder obsess about is when labor will start. What should they do when her water breaks? What should they bring to the hospital? Well, as someone…

Clever Pregnancy Comebacks: Hilarious responses to “Are you having twins?” –When You’re Not!

Clever Pregnancy Comebacks: Hilarious responses to “Are you having twins?” –When You’re Not!

Are You Having Twins? 18 weeks, 6 days. That’s how long it took for someone to make “the comment.” To this woman’s credit, she did try to feel me out beforehand. First, she asked how far along I was and then, after giving me the shocked look, said hesitantly, “Wow… Can I… Can I say…

To The Mom of All Boys or All Girls – On having a baby of the same sex (again!)

To The Mom of All Boys or All Girls – On having a baby of the same sex (again!)

People have been asking me how I’m feeling since finding out I’m having another boy, making me a mom of all boys permanently (this is our last baby). They ask cautiously, like they’re creeping onto a field of landmines. The answer is: I’m feeling fine. (Well, actually, I feel like garbage, but that’s pregnancy nausea…

Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy: Your Hilarious, Unconventional How-To Guide for Gaining 50 Pounds!

Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy: Your Hilarious, Unconventional How-To Guide for Gaining 50 Pounds!

If you’re looking for tips on how to gain minimal weight while pregnant, this is not the post for you. If you’re looking for a hilarious step-by-step tutorial on gaining too much weight during pregnancy– a solid 50 pounds at least, then you’ve come to the right place! *This should go without saying but: This…

32 Hilariously Funny Pregnancy Quotes Every Mom Will Appreciate
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32 Hilariously Funny Pregnancy Quotes Every Mom Will Appreciate

You Need & Deserve These Funny Pregnancy Quotes! Pregnancy can be a beautiful time, but it can also be a time when you need a good laugh more than ever (and also maybe a strong cocktail, but those are off-limits). Enjoy these funny pregnancy quotes because if you’re incubating a human (or you’ve done so…