25 Fantastic Gifts for Stay At Home Moms

25 Fantastic Gifts for Stay At Home Moms

Whether it’s the holiday season, her birthday, or Mother’s Day, finding the perfect gifts for stay at home moms can be a challenge. As a long-time stay-at-home mom myself, I’m here to give you some no-fail gift suggestions. Will she love every item on this list? No, definitely not. Individual preferences surely vary. But I…

40 Stay at Home Mom Quotes That Are Ridiculously Relatable
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40 Stay at Home Mom Quotes That Are Ridiculously Relatable

Being a stay at home mom has been the most challenging role of my life, without a doubt! I’ve gathered these stay at home mom quotes to provide a mix of inspiration and hilarity to your SAHM days. I hope you can relate to these quotes as much as I do.  (Of course, if you’re…

I’m a stay at home mom and I’m not cleaning — I’m enjoying my two seconds of peace instead.

I’m a stay at home mom and I’m not cleaning — I’m enjoying my two seconds of peace instead.

My home is a wreck. There, I said it. During normal times as a stay at home mom, keeping my house clean and orderly is quite a challenge, and these are anything but normal times. We’ve been largely stuck at home for so long now. Yes, we’re finally starting to venture out a bit here…

21 Hilariously Funny Stay at Home Mom Memes That Are Just Too Relatable!
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21 Hilariously Funny Stay at Home Mom Memes That Are Just Too Relatable!

Being a Stay at Home Mom can be a wonderful thing, for sure, but it’s not without its struggles. Sometimes, what a Stay at Home Mom really needs is a good laugh and a dose of solidarity — two things that are best served up in these hilarious stay at home mom memes! Stay at Home Mom…

Dear Husband, I am So Thankful For Your Job (Even If It Doesn’t Always Seem That Way)
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Dear Husband, I am So Thankful For Your Job (Even If It Doesn’t Always Seem That Way)

Dear Husband, I want to take a minute to let you know that I am so grateful for your job.  I know that should seem obvious, because that job pays the bills around here (which are basically never-ending), but I think, at times, maybe it actually isn’t so clear.  The truth is, sometimes the inconveniences…

Deciding to Become a Stay at Home Mom. Only.
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Deciding to Become a Stay at Home Mom. Only.

Today, I will be unemployed for the first time since… well, since I-don’t-know-when. My only job title will read: Stay At Home Mom. I taught my last class three weeks ago, finalized my grades two weeks ago, and this afternoon, I’ll show up to collect a few signatures and officially be done. I will no…

Everyone’s Entitled to a Hard Day –Except Moms, Who Should “Shut up and be Grateful.”
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Everyone’s Entitled to a Hard Day –Except Moms, Who Should “Shut up and be Grateful.”

I had a hard day with my boys a few weeks ago. Truthfully, we had a series of hard weeks. I wrote about it, because, well, that’s what writers do. The article went crazy. It was shared thousands of times across various forms of social media and I received countless messages from other parents who…

Stay at Home Mom Struggles: Sometimes Stay-at-Home Motherhood Feels Like Death by 1,000 Papercuts

Stay at Home Mom Struggles: Sometimes Stay-at-Home Motherhood Feels Like Death by 1,000 Papercuts

I’m in a hard season as a stay-at-home mom. The thing is, there’s no one specific issue that’s making it particularly hard. There’s no looming physical illness, no pressing financial stress, no urgent marital crisis. The “hard” is more the sum of 1,000 little things. More often than not, by dinner time each day, I…

To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today
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To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today

Do you remember the “Real American Heroes” commercial series by Budweiser in the late 1990s? It had an awful-but-catchy jingle and was a ridiculous serenade to the Average Joe for just doing what they do. Well, this is my version of that, but it’s not to Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy or Mr. Bowling Shoe…

To The Mom Whose Tank Empties Too Quickly
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To The Mom Whose Tank Empties Too Quickly

There’s so much talk these days about filling your tank. Self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Blah blah blah. This isn’t untrue, but my problem isn’t with filling my tank. My problem is that, often, the tank just doesn’t seem large enough. You know how you go to buy a vehicle and they…