How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work
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How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work

Do you know how to greet your spouse when he or she gets home from work? I’ve read a lot of things lately that suggest various ways that women, stay-at-home moms in particular, can be at their best when their spouses get home from work. There are some stay-at-home dads out there, but these articles…

I’m Done Justifying What I Do All Day As A Stay At Home Mom
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I’m Done Justifying What I Do All Day As A Stay At Home Mom

I have a horrible habit that I really need to drop. I’ve noticed other mothers have this bad habit too. The problem is rampant really, especially among stay at home moms: it’s the need to justify what we do all day. What do stay at home moms do all day? When my hard-working husband comes…

Summer Survival Tips: The REAL “Essentials” Checklist
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Summer Survival Tips: The REAL “Essentials” Checklist

At this time of year, there are a lot of “essentials for summer survival” and “summer hacks and tips” checklists floating around the internet. Most of them seem to be related to nutrition and appearance (summer body, beach-ready, etc.). Well, that particular ship sailed for me when my middle son literally tore through my abs….

Surviving The Witching Hour: It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere, Unfortunately…
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Surviving The Witching Hour: It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere, Unfortunately…

Surviving the witching hour with babies, toddlers, & beyond is no laughing matter Back in your pre-child days, if you’re anything like me, you tossed around the phrase “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” with both joy and longing. You couldn’t wait for 5 o’clock. In fact, when you literally couldn’t wait, you would hold happy hour…