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When Does Parenting Get Easier? If It Doesn’t, Please Keep It To Yourself…

I recently read an article that really stuck with me. It was focused on the question, “When does parenting get easier?” and the author’s premise was to stop waiting for that day because…  that day day is never coming. Parenting never does get any easier. Different, yes, but not easier. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh. That’s the sound of…

Back to School: 6 Hilarious Tips To Survive The First Month With Your Sanity (And Sense Of Humor) Intact
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Back to School: 6 Hilarious Tips To Survive The First Month With Your Sanity (And Sense Of Humor) Intact

Between preschool and elementary school, I have many years of Back to School experience as a parent. However, I also taught high school for a decade, so Back to School (and Back to School survival) is basically my native tongue. I’ve already professed my undying love and appreciation for teachers, but that doesn’t mean heading…

Dear Chick-fil-A – A Mom’s Hilarious Love Letter
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Dear Chick-fil-A – A Mom’s Hilarious Love Letter

Dear Chick-fil-A, My love for you is widely known to my friends and family, but I think it’s well past time for me to take my feelings public. Back when I was still teaching in the classroom, I left at ridiculously-early-o’clock in the morning. You were the only restaurant who was there for me on…