Being a Stay at Home Mom can be a wonderful thing, for sure, but it’s not without its struggles. Sometimes, what a Stay at Home Mom really needs is a good laugh and a dose of solidarity — two things that are best served up in these hilarious stay at home mom memes!
Stay at Home Mom Memes About Watching the Clock (Or Not…)
Motherhood has a tendency to make time behave in strange ways. Sometimes it seems like the gas pedal’s been pressed down at warp-speed.
Other times, it seems like the time is passing slower than molasses on a freezing cold day.
Since deciding to become a stay at home mom, I’ve noticed that time has become an even bigger blur. There are times I’ve gone to write down the date and struggled to even remember what month we’re in!
Of course, when you’re a stay at home mom, the witching hours are the longest of all-time!
In the same vein, every stay at home mom knows exactly when their partner is supposed to return home from work. Each minute second after their expected return time passes in dog years —especially when that time is delayed unexpectedly.
Speaking of waiting for dad to return, I just couldn’t resist sharing this meme because it makes me laugh every time I see it. Gosh, wasn’t Mrs. Doubtfire a fantastic movie?
But time as a stay at home mom is a funny thing. Sometimes it passes slowly, sometimes it passes quickly.
How time passes as a mom is often determined by how your kids are behaving and whether or not you’re with them.
Sometimes, time passes like sticky molasses. (Like when you’re dealing with insane toddler tantrums…)
So if you’re counting those hours until bedtime, you most certainly are not alone! (Although bedtime is its own hilarious train wreck, as the memes in this post illustrate.)
Of course, the question is: once you finally get those kids to bed, will you have any energy left to stay awake yourself?
If the answer is “No,” don’t feel bad. Sleep deprivation is no joke and a mom needs to grab her sleep when she can!
SAHMs often have trouble explaining to their partners what went down.
Sometimes, the household shenanigans are something you just have to see to believe.
Of course, it’s really important to understand all the work you did all day (even if no one saw it). That’s why you’re so exhausted! Even if the house is a wreck and you ordered takeout…
Stay at Home Mom Memes To Remind You: The Struggle is Real!
Sadly, I must admit that my time as a stay at home mom has made me less socially adept. I used to be able to make small talk like a boss and chitchat was my jam. Now? … Well, I think Macaroni and Mom Jeans has summed it up well:
When my stay at home mom struggles hit their peak, I find myself fantasizing about returning to the work force, a la this meme from Mom.Wine.Repeat:
Despite many misconceptions, being a stay at home mom isn’t really any more relaxing than being a working mom — because once you’re a mom, NOTHING is relaxing!
Of course, there are moments of relaxation. Those moments are often quick and fleeting (sob!). But as this hilarious stay at home mom meme explains, if one of those moments comes, you don’t want to do ANYTHING to mess it up!
Of course, another way to get some additional moments of free time as a stay at home mom is to send the kids away. When the kids are being spoiled by their grandparents, that’s the perfect opportunity to relax. Or…. to run away from home!
And if you feel like complaining a little bit about how hard it all is, well, you go right ahead and do that!
After all, there’s no manual for how to do this. Being a stay at home mom, or any mom really, is just flying by the seat of your (often dirty yoga) pants! If there were a manual for how to mom, perhaps it would be accurately titled as follows:
But don’t forget: you’re also supposed to be enjoying every minute of your time as a stay at home mom! (insert eyeroll)
After all, you’re going to miss this one day when your kids are grown!
(Both of these meme gems are from The 21st Century SAHM — who is hilarious!)
But if you’re ever feeling like what you do at home doesn’t matter, it does!
You are the engine of your family. Without you, it all falls apart!
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lols these are too funny 😀
Every. Single. One!!!!! Especially the oversharing conversation part 🙂
The 4:30-6:30 pm meme made me laugh out loud. That is MY LIFE! hahaha
I love these! These are honestly some of the kind of memes my sister sends me! My sister makes a jumping game for my nephew so it tires him out and he loves it!
I can totally relate to every single one of these!!
Hi Emily,
I’m so glad you could relate to these stay at home mom memes. I’ve found that, since becoming a mom (and especially since becoming a stay at home mom), if I don’t have access to a ton of humor (memes are my favorite), the days are just way too long!
I’m not a mom, but these memes are just too funny. I know some moms that can definitely relate!
These are so funny! The great thing about them is they are very relatable to most of our lives!
Hi Karen,
I’m so glad you found them funny. Yes, it’s become clear that the mom struggle is real for all of us–and nothing beats a good meme for a good laugh!
I’m not even a parent and all of these made me laugh out loud!
Hi Casey,
Well, I’m glad it can give you a laugh. Down the line, if you decide to become a mom, you’ll already have the memes ready to get you through 🙂