Gift ideas and gifts for lego lovers with a lego border

Finding the perfect gift for someone can be tricky, but it really helps if the recipient has a specific interest or hobby. Today, I’m sharing nine ideas that make great gifts for lego lovers.

Whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas, or another special occasion, these fun and unique lego gift ideas are sure to delight the lego lover in your life!

7 fantastic gift ideas for lego lovers over a girl playing with legos

The most obvious gift for lego lovers is a unique or expensive lego set.

I decided to start with this one because it’s fairly obvious. As the list goes on, I’ll move to the more obscure ideas.

How rare and how expensive you want to go is really up to you and your budget.

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For example, this Walt Disney Castle lego set is pretty darn expensive. But Disneyworld (in person or in legos) seems to be a pretty unifying idea for all ages.This could be a nice set that younger kids may want to help with, but the bulk of the work would need to be done by teens and adults. (It’s labeled accordingly — 16+).

If you’re looking for a good lego gift that comes at a more reasonable price point, this link will take you to some highly-rated sets between $50 and $100. There’s a lot more variety than what I’ve typically seen on store shelves.

If you’ve got thousands of dollars in cash to burn, you could even try this Star Wars lego set. (I have zero firsthand experience to offer here, as I do not have thousands of dollars to spend on legos.)

Lego Puzzles Make Great Gifts

The world of lego is huge. Don’t limit yourself to only lego bricks and lego sets.

We have this puzzle and everyone in the family between ages 4 and 40 has enjoyed working on it together. It’s a lot of pieces (1000) and challenging enough to keep the older ones interested, but there are simpler parts we can assign the 4 year old to keep him involved as well (ie “Look for all the pieces of the hot dog man” or “Can you find all the gold legs for us?”)For what it’s worth, our toddler has also been interested, but that’s been fun for absolutely no one… (You can check out THIS POST if you’re looking for board games that are good for two and three year-olds).

This lego puzzle could be another great option for kids of all ages and adults. If your family would like a challenge, this is a 1000-piece lego puzzle that would be really tough. (Hard pass for me. Too tough.)

Lego-themed bedding

Christmas and birthdays are a great opportunity for a bedroom makeover –or at least a little refresh.

It’s a way to give a gift you know a kid will enjoy and get use out of for years to come. Even better, it’s also a great idea for a non toy gift, which is clutch for avoiding excessive clutter.

I like the classic lego brick look to this one.

But there’s also more themed options like ones from the Lego Movie or Lego Ninjago.

I thought this blanket was another really cool option. The maker allows you to customize it with the recipient’s name and first initial.

Lego accessories

Maybe you don’t want to give a full bedroom makeover. Lego accessories can be great gifts for lego lovers. Lego clocks have been super popular with all my boys between the ages of 3 and 11 (and still counting).

We have this one and a Darth Maul one. Based on the high prices, I’m assuming they’ve been discontinued.

kid with lego clock that makes a great gift for lego lovers
The lego clocks are so popular in our house, the kids sleep with them like stuffed animals.

There are still a few clocks available from other lego lines like this one that are more reasonably priced.

Tickets to Legoland

This gift is great for lego lovers who are still relatively young. I think the ideal demographic for Legoland tickets is probably between ages 4 and 12. Of course, this is all secondhand from friends of mine, so certainly use your own judgment.

We’ve toyed with the idea of going to Legoland every time we’ve been to FL, but we’ve ended up sticking to Disney instead.

Obviously, if you don’t live near the park, it’s quite an expense, so this may be in place of a birthday party or as most/all of a Christmas gift for your lego lover.

Lego themed party

Instead of spending a ton of money on gifts that are going to take up a ton of space, maybe dedicate a portion of your gifting funds to throwing a lego party. (Plus, it’s way cheaper than a trip to Legoland or even a party at a trampoline place or Chuck E Cheese-esque location.)

You can host it, they can invite their friends, and the kids can engage in a variety of fun, lego-themed treats and activities.

If you want some fun free lego challenge printables, I have a bunch here. If you don’t want to go to the trouble of hosting a full party for your lego lover, you could just use the printables to host a little lego challenge within your own family. We do this once or twice a year on rainy days.

Lego Books and Activity Books

If you’re looking for gifts for lego lovers that are pretty young, you can get one of these visual/activity-heavy books.

Sticker books like this one have been a hit with every kid of mine when they were between ages 3 and 9ish. They have a bunch of different themes available too (Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, etc.), in addition to general legos, which is nice. My sons have gone through various stages of obsession with themed lego lines, such as the Star Wars sets, Ninjago sets, DC Super Hero sets, etc. That’s why we have both of these “encyclopedias,” if you want to call them that.

We’ve kept them until the covers have literally fallen apart, and even then, the boys have kept the interior “guts” of the books to look through periodically. Suffice it to say, we more than got our money’s worth out of them.

If your lego lover is a true collector or just more into text-heavy books, encyclopedias like those might be good options instead.

They also make some classic “build this or that” activity books like this one. These are great for ideas and inspiration when kids aren’t sure what to build.

Lego table or lego play mat

Nothing is more frustrating than getting really into something, like a massive lego build, and then being told to clean it up. In fact, that frustration knows no age limit.

If you’re getting a gift for a younger lego lover, this lego table or lego blanket might be perfect.If your lego lover is older, getting them a dedicated drafting desk or table where they can keep their creations may be a big hit. If you buy one with drawers, it can even double as lego storage.

Smaller lego gifts and trinkets

Not every gift has to be large or expensive. Often, the point is just to show you care.

In cases like these, your lego lover might appreciate a keychain, bean bag, or mini figure. A little something that shows you cared enough to notice what they’re into.

Across our four boys, we’ve purchased this Darth Vader lego keychain at least three times now (thank goodness it’s pretty cheap) because it becomes beloved and then someone loses it. We’ve also bought or been gifted the flashlight version at least twice.Clearly my sons are *very* responsible with their belongings… (eyeroll)

This lego “nightlight” is really fun and unique. It’s not your typical tiny, plugin nightlight, but it’s also smaller and more unusual than a regular desk lamp.
They really do make Lego options for everything these days. You could even gift someone a Lego pencil holder (that they can construct themselves, as a lego building project).

When it comes to finding the perfect gift for the lego fan in your life, the possibilities really are endless. I hope this post gave you some creative ideas for the next time you find yourself searching for the perfect lego-themed gift!

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