How to Survive Exclusively Pumping (Even With Other Kids at Home) –A Complete Guide!
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How to Survive Exclusively Pumping (Even With Other Kids at Home) –A Complete Guide!

How to Survive Exclusively Pumping (Because You Can!) Very few people go into a pregnancy expecting to be an exclusive pumper (although some do), but exclusively pumping is exactly the situation I found myself in three times. I’m pregnant with my fourth and I have a feeling we’ll be going down this road yet again….

A Thank You Letter to Coach From Parents Everywhere

A Thank You Letter to Coach From Parents Everywhere

Every time we end another sports season, I want to write a love letter to the coach and give them a million dollars. Since that’s not realistic, I have to settle for this thank you letter to Coach (and a gift card of waaaay less than $1,000,000). I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this…

Dear Husband, I am So Thankful For Your Job (Even If It Doesn’t Always Seem That Way)
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Dear Husband, I am So Thankful For Your Job (Even If It Doesn’t Always Seem That Way)

Dear Husband, I want to take a minute to let you know that I am so grateful for your job.  I know that should seem obvious, because that job pays the bills around here (which are basically never-ending), but I think, at times, maybe it actually isn’t so clear.  The truth is, sometimes the inconveniences…

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids – Free Printables for Readers & Non-Readers
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Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids – Free Printables for Readers & Non-Readers

It’s no secret around here that I love scavenger hunts for kids. During the winter, we find plenty of ways to do this indoors, but an outdoor scavenger hunt for kids? That’s where it’s at! Outdoor scavenger hunts for kids are great because you can get out in the fresh air. It’s such a fun…

This Mom Doesn’t Have It All Together, But I’m Giving it My Darndest

This Mom Doesn’t Have It All Together, But I’m Giving it My Darndest

You can’t always count on me to text you back, but you can count on me giving it my darndest by mentally responding to your message 57 times. You can’t always count on me to remember every grocery item we need, but you can count on me giving it my darndest by making a list,…

Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy: Your Hilarious, Unconventional How-To Guide for Gaining 50 Pounds!

Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy: Your Hilarious, Unconventional How-To Guide for Gaining 50 Pounds!

If you’re looking for tips on how to gain minimal weight while pregnant, this is not the post for you. If you’re looking for a hilarious step-by-step tutorial on gaining too much weight during pregnancy– a solid 50 pounds at least, then you’ve come to the right place! *This should go without saying but: This…

Kids Throw The Best (Accidental) Shade
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Kids Throw The Best (Accidental) Shade

Kids are the best accidental shame-throwers. This delightful little writing excerpt came home from Kid 1’s school today and he has accurately described my homemaking skills to his teacher (And to me. And now, to the world). The word “disaster” is an accurate assessment of the house for 90ish% of the day. There is (sometimes)…

25 Bad Parenting Quotes That Are Actually Great!

25 Bad Parenting Quotes That Are Actually Great!

Bad parenting quotes are the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe they’re absurd, maybe they’re outlandish, maybe they’re… exactly what you needed to read to make yourself feel better about your parenting situation! The days are long when you’re suffering through sleep deprivation.  Between trying to get your kids to sleep and the hell that…

5 Instant Pot Mistakes You Need to Avoid

5 Instant Pot Mistakes You Need to Avoid

The Instant Pot is an amazing kitchen tool for anyone, but especially for busy parents trying to make dinner for a family. The benefits of being able to set your food in one pot (hello, fewer dirty dishes!) and then walk away really can’t be overstated. Whether you’re new to the Instant Pot or you’ve…

7 Awesome Non-Toy Gifts For Kids – That Still Give Your Child Something Fun to Open!

7 Awesome Non-Toy Gifts For Kids – That Still Give Your Child Something Fun to Open!

As a parent, I love giving gifts to my kids. However, I also hate the constant clutter, wasting money, and spoiling. As such, I’ve found myself on the hunt for great non-toy gifts for kids, whether it be for Christmas, birthdays, or any other celebratory occasion. One challenge to this approach is that I still…