Stay at Home Mom Struggles: Sometimes Stay-at-Home Motherhood Feels Like Death by 1,000 Papercuts

Stay at Home Mom Struggles: Sometimes Stay-at-Home Motherhood Feels Like Death by 1,000 Papercuts

I’m in a hard season as a stay-at-home mom. The thing is, there’s no one specific issue that’s making it particularly hard. There’s no looming physical illness, no pressing financial stress, no urgent marital crisis. The “hard” is more the sum of 1,000 little things. More often than not, by dinner time each day, I…

Easter Bible Verses for Kids – Free Printable Memory Verses
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Easter Bible Verses for Kids – Free Printable Memory Verses

Celebrating Easter with kids is such a fun experience. There’s Easter baskets to fill, crafts to complete, and so many more Spring festivities. But how do you keep your kids’ focus on the spiritual significance of Easter and the Resurrection? Practicing and memorizing easy Easter Bible verses for kids is a great way to make…

How To Make An Easy Elmo Birthday Cake (for Cheap!) – A DIY Tutorial

How To Make An Easy Elmo Birthday Cake (for Cheap!) – A DIY Tutorial

Wondering how to make an Elmo cake that won’t cost a fortune or take up all your time? I’ve got you covered. I know a lot of people who’ve made an Elmo birthday cake for their child’s first birthday. In our household though, the Elmo switch flips a little later. Right around the 18-month mark,…

To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today
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To the Mom Who Didn’t Lose Her Sh*t Today

Do you remember the “Real American Heroes” commercial series by Budweiser in the late 1990s? It had an awful-but-catchy jingle and was a ridiculous serenade to the Average Joe for just doing what they do. Well, this is my version of that, but it’s not to Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy or Mr. Bowling Shoe…

How to Decide If You’re Done Having Babies: The Pinterest Vasectomy Board!
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How to Decide If You’re Done Having Babies: The Pinterest Vasectomy Board!

What is the “right” size for your family? This question has plagued just about every couple I know at some point. If you’re lucky, you and your spouse will be on the same page about this. And if you’re not? Well, this is likely to  prompt conversation after conversation, centered around the question: Are we…

To The Mom Whose Tank Empties Too Quickly
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To The Mom Whose Tank Empties Too Quickly

There’s so much talk these days about filling your tank. Self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Blah blah blah. This isn’t untrue, but my problem isn’t with filling my tank. My problem is that, often, the tank just doesn’t seem large enough. You know how you go to buy a vehicle and they…

5 New Year’s Resolutions I WISH My Kids Would Make
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5 New Year’s Resolutions I WISH My Kids Would Make

The start of a brand new year is a time when people all around the world vow to make big changes in their lives. “I will lose 10 pounds” or “I will finally shed these bad habits” are all common sentiments right now. Even my children have New Year’s resolutions! Actually, I guess it would…

To The Mom With A Holiday Hangover…
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To The Mom With A Holiday Hangover…

Dear Mom With A Holiday Hangover, The holidays with kids are magical. ^ ^ ^Statements like this are trite because they’re 100% true. Nothing beats the happiness and excitement of your kids on Christmas morning. It’s one of the true joys of parenthood. You store up those memories and savor them forever. All that magic…

How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work
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How To Greet Your Spouse When He (Or She) Gets Home From Work

Do you know how to greet your spouse when he or she gets home from work? I’ve read a lot of things lately that suggest various ways that women, stay-at-home moms in particular, can be at their best when their spouses get home from work. There are some stay-at-home dads out there, but these articles…

17 Funny Sleep Deprivation Stories: Exhausted Parents Share The Ridiculous Things They’ve Done

17 Funny Sleep Deprivation Stories: Exhausted Parents Share The Ridiculous Things They’ve Done

Doing ridiculous things while tired is essentially a rite of passage for parents. Sleep deprivation and funny sleep deprivation stories are often passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes the funny stories are shared in solidarity with new parents who are deep in the throes of new parent sleep deprivation (one of the worst kinds!)….