Why Is My Kid Always Sick? Because Kids Are Disgusting!
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Why Is My Kid Always Sick? Because Kids Are Disgusting!

“Why is your kid always sick?” This is the question my neighbor asked at the bus stop, after hearing that one of my kids was home sick (again). At the time, I simply shrugged and then shrugged it off, but a few days later, when one of my kids came down with yet another illness,…

Thank You For Praying For Us

Thank You For Praying For Us

We recently went through a very scary situation with our four-year-old. He caught a somewhat common childhood virus, but things went completely awry and he ended up spending several days in the hospital. Sitting there in that hospital room, I’ve never felt more helpless or more desperate. I was beside myself with panic. Is he…

DIY Advent Calendar Ideas For Kids (Without Candy!)
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DIY Advent Calendar Ideas For Kids (Without Candy!)

Like many people, the Christmas season is my favorite! I love celebrating Advent and counting down the days until Christmas. I have such great memories of opening the little doors on our Advent calendar every year as a kid. Nevertheless, the Holiday Season is already filled with treats. We bake Christmas cookies and decorate them,…

The (In)Gratitude Challenge
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The (In)Gratitude Challenge

It’s the time of year when people who spend a solid ten months acting like Scrooge are all of a sudden brimming with gratitude for any and everything (“I just love my new boots! Hashtag thankful!”). Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself a very grateful person, and I appreciate Thanksgiving as much as the…

I’m Done Justifying What I Do All Day As A Stay At Home Mom
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I’m Done Justifying What I Do All Day As A Stay At Home Mom

I have a horrible habit that I really need to drop. I’ve noticed other mothers have this bad habit too. The problem is rampant really, especially among stay at home moms: it’s the need to justify what we do all day. What do stay at home moms do all day? When my hard-working husband comes…

I Work Hard — But So Does My Husband

I Work Hard — But So Does My Husband

Raising kids is undoubtedly my life’s greatest joy, but it is also long, exhausting work. Parenting is the type of labor where you invest and you invest, day after day, but you often don’t see the fruits of your labor for months, or even years. As a stay-at-home mom, I am alone with my kids…

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When Does Parenting Get Easier? If It Doesn’t, Please Keep It To Yourself…

I recently read an article that really stuck with me. It was focused on the question, “When does parenting get easier?” and the author’s premise was to stop waiting for that day because…  that day day is never coming. Parenting never does get any easier. Different, yes, but not easier. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh. That’s the sound of…

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This Mom Really IS “That Tired”

I read something on Today Parents recently that struck me—and not in the “Right on, preach it, sister!” kind-of-way. It was more along the lines of, “Yikes…really?” It was a post entitled, “The truth is out: Moms aren’t really that tired.” Let me be clear up front: I have nothing against this author. She’s written…

In Parenthood, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
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In Parenthood, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

So I decided to be a fun mom last weekend. Spoiler alert: big mistake! I decided we were going to have a movie night. I spent all day looking at Pinterest for ideas and gearing myself up for this amazing bonding time with my boys. We drove to town and picked up pizza, a movie, all…

House Hunters for New Parents: What the Show Should REALLY Say
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House Hunters for New Parents: What the Show Should REALLY Say

House Hunters is a show that everyone loves to hate; more specifically, viewers love to hate the couples who appear on the show. It seems the producers largely prefer to cast 21 year-olds with inexplicably massive budgets or idiots of any age who’ve clearly never put one ounce of thought into what a real estate…