Mother’s Day is the perfect time for kids to show love and appreciation to their moms. Sometimes, they may need a little help and structure to do so. That’s where this printable Mother’s Day activity for kindergarten and early elementary comes in!
This printable activity is a great alternative to a more traditional Mother’s Day card. In fact, if you want it to be more durable and card-like, you can simply print it on cardstock.
It’s a good idea to laminate this Mother’s Day printable.
If you want to use this printable as an actual Mother’s Day gift, I recommend laminating it when the kids are finished. (
If you’re a classroom teacher, you already know. LOTS of damage can happen to the completed page between school, home, and however long the wait is until Mother’s Day.
Even if you’re a dad at home printing it out for your kids, laminating it is still a good bet. We have four boys at home and they can all destroy a regular piece of paper in two seconds flat.
(Side note: If you’re a mom printing out this activity for your kids to give you for Mother’s Day, there’s zero shame in that. You know what they say: If you want something done right, do it yourself. In that case, Happy Mother’s Day to you—and you may want to check out these hilarious Mother’s Day memes!)
This Mother’s Day printable comes in two versions – one lined and one unlined.
Older elementary students will likely have no problem with the unlined versions. If you’re using this printable activity with kindergarten or other early elementary kids, you’ll probably want to stick with the lined version.
I recommend having a conversation or discussion with your child or students before completing the actual printable activity. Many students find it overwhelming to sit in front of a blank page. That opens the door for a lot of, “I don’t know” and “I can’t think of anything” responses.
You can prime them beforehand to make this activity more successful. Have them talk about their moms, what they like about them, what their moms do for them, etc.
You could also read a book about moms or Mother’s Day first. This can help further set the stage (and incorporate more literacy avenues into this activity). This book is a great one for helping kids understand all the things a parent does for them.
Remember that Mother’s Day can be really tough for some kids
Not to be a downer, but it’s important to note: if you’re a classroom teacher, you should really know your audience. An activity like this can be really traumatic if there’s a student in class who’s lost their mother.
(And not all “loss” is death – you may have a student with a foster mother, being raised by their grandmother, etc.) I’ve included an alternate version of this Mother’s Day printable with a few changes in case you need to use something a little more generic and inclusive.
Still, it’s obviously very important to set up the entire conversation and class activity differently if there’s a student without their mother. You don’t want it to feel like everything is geared toward moms and your one student is doing something different.
In that case, it’s really important to phrase it, from the start, as an activity to show appreciation for someone you love or someone who cares about you.
How to Get Your Copy of the Printable Mother’s Day Activity
The printables pictured in this post are low-resolution images for website speed. The activities won’t look good if you blow them up or print them out (they are fuzzy/distorted).
You can get a high-resolution, downloadable, and printable pdf file by I’ll send you the file with all four versions of the Mother’s Day printable activity (for mom-lined, for mom-unlined, for anyone-lined, for anyone-unlined).
I hope you and your kids or students enjoy this Mother’s Day Activity!
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